
Hanako Kun Wallpaper HD

Hanako Kun Wallpaper HD - Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun is a Japanese manga series created by Iro Aida, serialized by Square Enis's Shonen manga in Monthly G Fantasy magazine since 2014 until now and has produced 12 Tankoubon volumes. Received an adaptation of the anime series produced by Studio Lerche and premiered on January 9, 2020

hanako kun wallpaper

hanako kun wallpaper
hanako kun wallpaper

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun has a plot about, Kamome Academy is known to have seven mystery stories as well as famous supernatural events. Nene Yashiro, a first year student who wants a boyfriend and decides to summon the seventh mystery, namely Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, a girl who died in the bathroom a long time ago and can grant someone's wish with a suitable reward. During the summoning, Hanako-san is shown to be a boy, with a series of events making Nene her assistant and making them go on an adventure to maintain a balance between the spirit world and the human world, as well as the secrets that revolve around Hanako.

toilet bound hanako kun wallpaper

toilet bound hanako kun wallpaper
toilet bound hanako kun wallpaper

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, an anime that I personally think is interesting to enjoy and also has quite a bit of uniqueness. This anime tells about the seven mysteries at school that may be very famous among Japanese students but are made different by the author of this series, so that it becomes more unique but does not change the great value of the seven mysteries.

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wallpaper hanako kun
wallpaper hanako kun

As read in the plot paragraph, apart from telling the story of the seven mysteries at school, this anime also tells about efforts to maintain a balance between the spirit world and the human world, the good and interesting thing about this story itself is a matter of stories that are made in relation to the seven mysteries. with the balance of the world of spirits and the world of humans which makes the story of this anime more complex.

toilet bound hanako wallpaper

toilet bound hanako wallpaper
toilet bound hanako wallpaper

Although this anime story itself is complex but can be presented in a simple and easy to understand manner, I am an audience who does not really know about the seven mysteries at school and I should not be able to follow the course of this story but because the story is simple and easy to understand it allows me to follow This story is good, apart from the two things it might be a matter of information that this anime presents in the form of a narrative or chat which really helps me to understand the story that is being presented or is being discussed in its episodes.

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hanako kun wallpaper aesthetic
hanako kun wallpaper aesthetic

Overall I really like this story, something other than the story maybe is about the introduction of characters in this anime which are made varied where they are introduced in every new episode and put in the part that I think is right. Maybe one thing that this anime still hasn't come up with is the matter of the main conflict they want to show, until this article was written I just watched episode four and I think until episode four it's still a matter of character introductions and adjustments that allow us to follow the flow of this anime.

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hanako wallpaper iphone
hanako wallpaper iphone

Based on my point of view, who have only watched this anime until episode four, I feel that the message that I can only feel is the issue of the seven school mystery stories which turned out to be exaggerated from what they really are, the exaggerated gossip that is talked about from one student to another student is very different from the real story. So that from what I write, it is concluded that we as people should not overly trust the issues or gossip being discussed because I can make the issue or gossip too much or far from the actual facts.

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hanako san wallpaper
hanako san wallpaper

In addition, it might be a matter of seeing things from another point of view, this anime shows us the stories behind the seven mysteries which turn out to have unique reasons why they were able to do this. The story about the background of the spirit behind the seven mysteries in this anime may be made based on the author's imagination but that is not something to be debated about because it was made to add value to this story so that it is not made so creepy or ordinary.

Maybe those two things are what I just thought about the message but I think there will be messages that are indeed main and have not been shown in this anime, I think if later this anime starts to enter into the main story to face a big conflict then the main message in this anime might be will appear and will definitely be different from what I wrote in this article.

The comedy that is shown here is very interesting to me, this story should be very heavy and scary if it is not made comedy, but the presence of comedy makes this anime lighter and interesting for me to enjoy. There are many things that comedy makes in this anime and makes the story more colorful, the comedy in this anime itself doesn't spoil the story so we won't feel disturbed by the comedy that appears in this anime.

One of the interesting and unique things is about the characters in this anime, from their behavior and nature it is very interesting for us to enjoy. The background of each character, especially the characters from the seven mysteries, is very interesting for us to enjoy, from this anime we are shown that creepy things have a unique background and can be said to be interesting.

In my opinion, this anime is good and interesting and can be enjoyed by many people because there are almost no things that I think are bad or things that make us dislike this anime. This anime itself from the story is made well and interesting, from the introduction of the characters to the delivery of the flow and the provision of information is very good and easy to understand.

From the message this anime may not display or even show what message they want to give but it looks like it will be good and maybe we need to wait, this anime has not displayed the main conflict so I can't think what message this anime wants to display. Another thing that is added value and interesting for us to pay attention to in this anime is the matter of comedy and character, these two things have values ​​that make this anime more interesting to enjoy.

I will probably not discuss this anime in the future and it is better to discuss the continuation in the comments column as a discussion because I think this anime is better for discussion than I have to discuss it, there are lots of shortcomings and mistakes that I might write in this article considering that I only discussing this series from the anime which has only been running for four episodes, so apologize if there are errors in this discussion but you can really correct or add to my discussion because it helps me and other visitors to know more about this series.


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